Sherryl aus Bhutan schrieb am 12. Sep 24, 21:09
Blinds that open in the middle only reduce light in two-thirds of the room.
Elizabeth aus India schrieb am 12. Sep 24, 21:04
Interessante Seite. Das Design und die nuetzlichen Informationen gefallen mir besonders gut.
my homepage: CHGAmE.co.kR (
http://Chgame.Co.kr/oncagn/122990 )
Randell aus Uruguay schrieb am 12. Sep 24, 20:51
Mythologization of the giant squid. Thought to be the inspiration for Scylla.
Believed to attack schooners, it has been variously described as up to a mile and a half long but based on sucker marks on sperm whales, the maximum size of the giant squid is considered to be 100 feet long weighing 64 tonnes. Best remembered in the Jules Verne tale 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.